Monthly Agenda
Browns Lake
Sanitary District
Scheduled Meetings
All meetings are the second
Thursday of the month*
at 4:00 PM, and held at:
Town of Burlington
32288 Bushnell Rd
Burlington, WI 53105
*Occasionally there may be need to change
the meeting date due to schedule conflicts.
2025 Meeting Dates
February 13
February 17-Noon, special meeting
March 12 ** date change
April 10
May 8
June 12
July 10
August 14
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11
All minutes are now at the Minutes tab.
Weed Harvesting & Shoreline Pickup Season
The mechanical harvesting of weeds starts June 10 and ends August 30. Please note that weeds are harvested only Monday-Friday.
The picking up of piled shoreline weeds started May 1st and will continue until September 29.
The BLSD crew will pickup shoreline piled weeds Mondays-Fridays and also Saturday or Sunday as needed.
Channel shore pickup is Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

In June 2024 the Browns Lake Sanitary District weed harvesting crew participated in a Clean Boats Clean Water (CBCW) training. The presenter Scott McComb, in association with the DNR, and Wisconsin State Colleges Outreach Programs discussed the benefits of boat inspectors as they perform boat and trailer checks, hand out informational brochures, and educate boaters on how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. To date the BLSD harvesting crew is in year four of a yearly renewed CBCW DNR grant of inspections at the Fischer Park Boat Launch on Browns Lake.